Rebuild your spinal vertebraes in your neck to relieve Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness and dizziness, Sinus trouble, allergies, pain around the eyes, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, crossed eyes, deafness, Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema, Hay fever, runny nose, hearing loss, adenoids, Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions such as sore throat, Stiff Neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, chronic cough, croup, Bursitis,, colds, thyroid conditions

Rebuild your spinal vertebraes in your neck to relieve Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness and dizziness, Sinus trouble, allergies, pain around the eyes, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, crossed eyes, deafness, Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema, Hay fever, runny nose, hearing loss, adenoids, Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions such as sore throat, Stiff Neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, chronic cough, croup, Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions
Rebuild your spinal vertebraes in your neck to relieve Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness and dizziness, Sinus trouble, allergies, pain around the eyes, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, crossed eyes, deafness, Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema, Hay fever, runny nose, hearing loss, adenoids, Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions such as sore throat, Stiff Neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, chronic cough, croup, Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions
Item# spinal-column-health-herbal-combination
Regular price: $90.00
Sale price: $73.95

Product Information.

Rebuild your spinal vertebraes in your neck to relieve Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness and dizziness, Sinus trouble, allergies, pain around the eyes, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, crossed eyes, deafness, Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema, Hay fever, runny nose, hearing loss, adenoids, Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions such as sore throat, Stiff Neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, chronic cough, croup, Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions

Click on the image to the left to identify the vertebrae or vertebraes that may be causing your symptoms. To enlarge press Ctrl and + at the same time.


You can repair and regenerate the damaged vertebrae that is causing your problem simply by placing the comfrey poultice directly on the vertebrae and sleeping with it in place for 8 to 12 hours each night. Apply a couple drops of castor oil to the neck before applying the poultice for maximum absorption of the ingredients in the poultice.

You can purchase a neck wrap at least 4 inches wide to comfortably hold the poultice in place. Below is a link that will take you to where you can purchase the neck brace/wrap. The following neck brace is recommended because when used it will force you to hold the neck in the proper position. This may cause some discomfort at first as the neck is realigned and the neck muscles adjust to the proper position of the spinal cervical column.

Choose the Foam Cervical Collar - Vertebrae Whiplash Wrap Aligns and Stabilizes Spine - Adjustable Spinal Support Can Be Used While Sleeping and Relieves Pain, Pressure

Neck wrap for poultice


Ingredients: Comfrey root powder (grow new tissue), carbon 60 powder (rejuvenate muscles and powerful anti-oxidant) Click here for C60 Olive Oil. colloidal silver (Anti-Bacterial), distilled water, pine bark powder (powerful anti-oxidant) and vegetable glycerin (hypo-allergenic), Solomon seal root (rebuild damaged tissues), Cinamon powder (natural preservative-extends shelf life and keep poultice fresh longer), White Oak Bark (Excellent astringent)


Instructions for applying the poultice When you receive your shipment, take the poultice out of the package which will be in a silver pouch. Place it direc ly into the freezer and use the poultice each day from the freezer.

The poultices come wrapped in cling wrap plastic. Remove the cling wrap. There will be seven strips of poultice all individually sealed. Place the poultice on a kitchen table or countertop for approximately half-hour and allow it to thaw. Cut the poultice in two equal pieces with a scissor. (The poultice cuts easier after it is thawed.) The half that is not used can go in the refrigerator.

Slide the poultice out of the cut plastic sheeting. Peel one plastic backing from the poultice. Apply a little Castor Oil to the affected area, this will enhance the absorption of the ingredients from the poultice. The poultice is then applied to the body with the peeled exposed side against the skin. Use a hernia belt to hold the poultice in place.

If the poultice is a little dry, spray some water on the poultice before laying it against the skin. Applying castor oil to the skin also helps with the absorption of the ingredients from the poultice.

Wear poultice for a minimum of 8-12 hours while sleeping. In the morning after removing the poultice, wipe the area clean with 3% hydrogen peroxide or wash with soap and water.

The results are remarkable as the substances in the comfrey begin to do its work. The damaged tissues are replaced with new growth and the pain and inflammation slowly subside.


Click here to purchase Comfrey Herbal Poultice.



Wound Healing When you apply comfrey to your skin, it can have some benefits on rashes and irritations. The high content of antioxidants, as well as vitamin C, makes comfrey pastes and salves the ideal solution for speeding up the healing of wounds. Antioxidants also help eliminate foreign substances in the body and preventing cell death, while vitamin C’s importance in producing collagen means that it is necessary to produce new skin cells for healing.

Reduced Pain If you’re suffering from any sort of chronic pain in your body or if you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, applying comfrey salves and lotions to those areas can quickly soothe that pain. Analgesic qualities in herbs are particularly valuable, and the organic compounds and antioxidants found in comfrey serve that purpose quite nicely for aches and pains.

Anti-inflammatory In a similar way as the analgesic substances in comfrey, the various organic compounds, like saponins and tannins, also serve as anti-inflammatory components of this powerful herb. If you suffer from arthritis, gout, or other inflammatory disorders, use comfrey salves as often as necessary. The lotion is so potent, however, that you can afford to be quite frugal with the oils and creams.

Boosted Immune System As mentioned earlier, vitamin C is a major component of comfrey, and ascorbic acid’s primary role in the body is to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which is the first line of defense of the body’s immune system. By increasing the strength of your immune system, even from topical applications, you can improve conditions like jaundice and various vitamin and immune deficiencies.

Better Bone Growth One of this herbal remedy’s nickname is knitbone because it can help speed up the healing process for broken bones, as well as other injuries. It is also rich in calcium, which is a key ingredient in bone growth. The unique combination of organic compounds found in comfrey can stimulate the regrowth of bone minerals, by facilitating more efficient uptake and use of these minerals within the body.

Anticancer Potential The antioxidant substances found in comfrey also mean that it has the potential for anti-cancerous activities. Dr.Sangeeta Shrotriya, Dr.Gagan Deep, Dr. Kumaraguruparan Ramasamy, et al. published a study in the Carcinogenesis Integrative Research Centre Journal that the antioxidants seek out free radicals, the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism, and eliminate them from the system, preventing them from causing other cells to mutate or die. Although this research is still in the early stages, any advances in herbal cancer treatments need to be accounted for.

Improved Respiratory Health Again, it must be stressed that comfrey should not be consumed, but even inhaling or rubbing it on the chest can work as an expectorant. If you are experiencing clogged sinuses or congestion in your respiratory tracts, this plant can help you cough that out and eliminate it from your system. Those phlegms and fluids can catch bacteria and other pathogens, thus, extending or worsening illnesses, but not if comfrey is administered!

Skin Care If you are suffering from anything from a spider bite to a bad case of eczema, comfrey can help alleviate the symptoms and reduce irritation. A combination of vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds makes this the perfect solution for skin irritations of all kinds, from psoriasis to acne.


There are nerves that runs from the spinal column to just about everywhere in the body. Sometimes the nerves are compromised because they get compressed by the vertebrae and causes symptoms in other areas of the body away from the spinal column.

To correct the problem you need to rejuvenate and repair the damaged vertebrae to relieve the compression on the nerve. Chiropractor make adjustments to the spinal vertebrae but does not repair the damage. Below are the different vertebraes and the symptoms you may experience from degeneration or bad posture.



C1 Vertebrae-----Blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the face, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system.

Possible Symptoms:

Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, nervous breakdown, amnesia, chronic tiredness and dizziness


Click here to purchase Comfrey Herbal Poultice.

C2 Vertebrae-----Eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, mastoid bones, tongue, forehead

Possible Symptoms:

Sinus trouble, allergies, pain around the eyes, earache, fainting spells, certain cases of blindness, crossed eyes, deafness.


C3 Vertebrae-----Cheeks, outer ear, face bones, teeth, facial nerves

Possible Symptoms

Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema


C4 Vertebrae----Nose, lips, mouth, eustachian tube

Possible Symptoms

Hay fever, runny nose, hearing loss, adenoids


C5 Vertebrae-----Vocal chords, neck, shoulders, tonsils

Possible Symptoms

Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions such as sore throat or quinsy


C6 Vertebrae----Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils

Possible Symptoms

Stiff Neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, chronic cough, croup


C7 Vertebrae----Thyroid gland, bursae (a small sac between a tendon and a bone), shoulders, elbows

Possible Symptoms

Bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions


Click here to purchase Comfrey Herbal Poultice.
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